== hey there bubu <3 ==

== Martin / Chad. 19. he/it/pup ==
== white latino (Argentina) ==
== gay and trans (non-binary) man. polyamorous==
== artist ==
@transmacjfk on all socials

pro ship (/ pro fiction / anti-anti / anti harrasment)
someone who uses he/him for Chihiro Fujisaki or think shes a man (cis or trans doesnt change anything)
an LGBT exclu OR a radical inclusionist
an NSFW account (depends on the context)
part of any mcyt fandom
are or are friends with the users: @bontana-joe, @pandemoncake, @chez.png (don't ask)
someone who don't support self diagnosis
you defend using slurs you cant reclaim
you make too many jokes about yaoi/fetichizing mlm/nblm (especially if you're not mlm/nblm yourself) or fetichizing people in general. ur weird fuck off

⟡ Fandoms (at the moment) :
Clone High
Star Trek (trying really hard)
stim/fidget toys
horror (mostly movies, videogames and analogue)
Clone High
FNAF (all games)
Danganronpa (all games)
Riverdale, yeah ik. it sucks
The Magnus Archives
Splatoon (all games)
Undertale + Deltarune
==Star Trek (only TOS) ==

★ Kins:
Ponce de León (Clone High)
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
♡ Comfort characters:
-Any of my kins-
-Also the ship Poncefk (Ponce x JFK from Clone High)-
Lancer (Deltarune)
Berdly (Deltarune)
Leonard McCoy (Star Trek TOS)
Spock (Star Trek TOS)
Principal Scudworth (Clone High)
Ultimate Imposter (Danganronpa)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)

worms and/or maggots
child abuse
the sounds of plates and cutlertly
▪︎ Squicks:
hate towards my comfort characters or interests
MCYT in general
JoanFK (JFK x Joan)
passive agressive text
rude comments about me